Sacred beginnings

Doula Offerings

Doula offerings to support and nourish our mamas from before birth and through the portal into motherhood.

Mother Blessing

A Mother Blessing gives the sisters and wise women in your life space to nurture your body, mind, heart and soul as you journey towards the birth portal and into postpartum. It honours the sacred beginnings that are about to unfold, and offers essential encouragement, care, and wisdom for what’s to come.

A Mothers Blessing offers a beautiful alternative to a traditional baby shower, to connect, share and feel ready for labour and birth. I also offer movement, sound journeys and/or cacao as additions to this special ceremony if desired.


Closing of the Bones

The Closing of the Bones is an ancient Mexican postpartum healing ceremony to honour mamas transformation from maiden to mother, and to close the birth portal physically, spiritually and energetically.

This beautiful postpartum ritual showers mama in love & warmth, healing touch & traditional rebozo wrapping.


Postpartum Care

Nurturing support for mamas & their whanau through the sacred window & beyond.

Offerings include birth power, home visits, emotional support, birth processing, and more.

Available virtually and in-person for Waihi & surrounding areas.


Listening to Birth Stories

I hold space to listen to birth stories for mamas and/or your partner to support in processing a birth experience. You’ll be able to unpack it in your own time, with an open heart and listening ears. My role is to simply witness your story and shine light. Offered as a gift so I can continue learning :)


Holistic Breastfeeding Consultations

The sacred art of womanly breastfeeding is just that, an art. For some it might come naturally and for others they might need some nurturing support and wise women wisdom to trust they can do it! I collaborate with my mother, Caroline McNicol, who breastfed her children, and is also a birth keeper with 15+ years experience as a child birth educator, baby friendly assessor of breastfeeding, public health promoter, specialising in breastfeeding promotion, and an antenatal course educator. If you’re after some holistic support with breastfeeding, together we can help guide you to master this art.